Bayside Podcast: Theatre Colwyn Dementia Screenings

July 01, 2019 - 1722 views

A recent dementia-friendly screening of hit film The Greatest Showman was made extra special when Welsh National Opera singers enticed the cinema audience to its feet and a local school choir delivered stunning renditions of the movie’s biggest numbers.

In a collaboration with Theatr Colwyn, the Welsh National Opera team, based at Venue Cymru, Llandudno, lead cinema audiences in singalongs once each month before every dementia-friendly movie screening begins.

The aim is to give people living with dementia who might find it difficult to sit still quietly during a normal film screening the opportunity to enjoy cultural events with their family, friends and carers in everyday settings like cinemas.

Earlier today Bayside Radio's Jeff Pearson spoke with WNO youth and community projects leader, Morgana Warren Jones about the success of the project.

Broadcast on Jeff's Afternoon Show, Monday 1st July at 1.15pm.