Iron Harbour: A digital story by Luke Franklin (Part 4)


Part 4

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Alucard followed the guardsmen as they left the manor grounds, Walking Back Down The Long Stones staircase. Alucard looked at the guardsman and had noticed it was the captain from the previous night, the one that had arrested him after making all the commotion in the inn. He did not hold it against the man; he was only doing his duty. In fact he was quite pleased, as he seemed to be a good person. He truly cared about the town and really wanted to keep the individual safe. He was also happy because he let him finish his drink that night even after all the commotion.

“Captain, may I have a word with you for a moment?”

“What can I do for you, Alucard isn't it?”

“I wanted to thank you for your understanding last night at the inn. I realise I caused quite a ruckus, and some damage to the innkeeper's establishment. I appreciate your patience.”

“No need to thank me, Alucard. I understand that sometimes things can get out of hand. But I will not have people coming into town and coursing damage like that and upsetting the order of things.”

“I understand, Thank you. How is the barmaid? Is she alright?”

“She is, she has a bit of a cut on her face but the swelling has gone down, the local herbalist helped with her injuries free of charge. The man came to her this morning and guava at feet begging her for her forgiveness and pleaded not to press charges. She agreed to it under one condition.”

“What was the condition?”

"The condition was that he would pay for the damages caused and apologise publicly to the innkeeper and all those who were present," the captain explained. "The barmaid wanted to ensure that he understood the consequences of his actions and took responsibility for them."

Alucard nodded in understanding. "It's good to hear that she is recovering, and it's commendable that the herbalist provided their services without charge. It seems the man has learned a valuable lesson about the impact of his actions."

The captain's expression turned serious. "Indeed, but it serves as a reminder to all residents and visitors that we won't tolerate such disturbances. We strive to maintain order and peace in this town. We live in such troubled times, the last thing we need is the town folk turning on each other.

Alucard acknowledged the captain's statement with a nod. "I appreciate your dedication to upholding the town's values. But there is a reason I wanted to speak with you.”

“Eugene has filled me in” replied the Captain before Alucard getting another world in. “You wish to know what happened to the young lord and why the men that I signed to him let him sneak outside of the manor so late at night? And in doing so resulted in the young lord's death.”

Alucard's eyes hardened as he spoke. "I understand the importance of uncovering the truth behind the young lord's death. I need to know what happened and why the young lord was allowed to leave the manor unnoticed.”

“I wish to understand that, Mr Alucard as well, I have gone over that night a thousand times and I just don't understand how he got past, even if he managed to slip by his guards, I just don't understand how he got outside the city to the mines.”

Alucard could see this wade heavy on the Captain "The fact that the young lord managed to leave the manor unnoticed and make his way to the mines is an interesting one to say the least. I understand there was a rumour of him having a relationship with the elven girl in town who was also found dead in her own home. Perhaps they were meeting up that night and something sinister happened” replied Alucard

"You raise an intriguing point, Alucard.” continued the captain “The coincidence of the young lord and the elven girl meeting on that fateful night cannot be ignored. If they were indeed meeting secretly, it leaves us with more questions than answers, as to why they were targeted if indeed they were. What was the reason behind it”

Alucard and the captain had both reached the bottom of the stairs, as they proceeded to walk through town they continued their conversation intensely. The town was much more lively then Alucard though it would be, but he could see the people still going about their daily lives. Alucard observed the bustling town as he walked alongside the captain, his mind transfixed on piece together the intricate puzzle before him.

“I am quite surprised with how much the town has come alive, from the stories you hear it paints the picture of a town and its people who have completely given up hope.”

"These people have endured hardships before, Alucard. They've faced challenges and overcome them, drawing strength from their shared history and the bonds that tie them. It is this very spirit that gives people hope for an end to this horrible chapter in their lives. This way Alucard, we can take a short cut this way." The captain's gesture to Alucard led him down the very narrow alleyway leading to the back streets of the town close to the city centre; there were lots of twists and turns down this very narrow path. it was leading ever further away from the main city centre, it was easy to get lost in these backstreets, but the captain seemed to know his way quite well.

“There's another reason I want to take you down these back Street Alucard, I'm sure you are aware of that no one outside city guards and the Lords family and a few close friends know of the young lord’s passing, the last thing I would want is for someone to over hear us.

“I understand captain, I will try to be as discreet as possible, but my concern at the moment is trying to figure out what happened. if there is something larger at play here.

The captain's frustration was palpable. "I share your confusion, Alucard. It's as if there was a gap in our defences, a lapse in our security measures. I have interrogated the guards involved, but so far, their accounts provide no clear explanation for the young lord's late night rendezvous."

“Did any of your men see anything suspicious at night?”

“I did interrogate many of the patrols that night, trying to bleed any information from them. But all they could recall was a few of the local people working late, a few kids.

“I see”

“One thought he saw he saw Father Maxwell and Gabriel walking around that night, close to the church, but I couldn't find anyone to collaborate that information, and when I asked Father Maxwell about it, he just rented on about Heathens and what not, and that i am working for a fool who does not care for his people and only let them suffer instead embracing the lord of the eternal fire and saving him people.”

Alucard's interest was piqued by the mention of Father Maxwell and Gabriel's suspicious activities near the church. He contemplated the captain's words, recognizing the potential significance of this information.

"Father Maxwell and Gabriel, you say?" Alucard's voice held a note of intrigue.

“Have you met him?” replied The captain as he noted a look of intrigued on Alucards face.

“Only briefly, back at the manor, he was having a very heated discussion with Lord Davos.

“Arrogant prick he is,” Said the Captain. "I would arrest him if I could but he broke no laws for now, so my hands are tied.” The Captain continued to talk about Father Maxwell and his history with the town after showing up a few years ago.

Alucard's interest in Father Maxwell deepened as he listened to the captain's description of their encounters of past events. The captain's frustration with the situation was evident, but Alucard remained focused on gathering the information that he needed before he made any true judgement, he still had the body’s to examine.

"I understand your frustration, Captain. It seems Father Maxwell is a man of influence; he is skilled at staying within the boundaries of the law while still exerting his control. But arrogance can often be a weakness, in everyone.

The captain nodded in agreement. "I will work on examining any legal loopholes or potential breaches committed by Father Maxwell. If there's even a slight chance to hold him accountable for his actions, I will find one, even if he has nothing to do with these crimes, he has still disturbed the peace and caused quite a few problems for us. I am sure Alucard, he will not make your stay here welcome and he will do everything within his power to cause you distress.”

Alucard's expression hardened, fully aware of the challenges that lay ahead. "I appreciate your dedication, Captain. Father Maxwell may become a thorn in my side but I have faced men like him many times within my lifetime.”

The captain glanced at Alucard, his face filled with a mix of curiosity and intrigue. As he observed Alucard's features, the captain's mind pondered their similarities. While he was not a young man anymore, neither was he considered old. It appeared that Alucard and the captain were roughly around the same age. “If you don't mind me saying Alucard you don't look that old to me.”

Alucard let out a small smile “Young Face, Old Eyes”

Though the captain didn't fully grasp the meaning behind Alucard's words, he didn't dwell on it, focusing instead on their present location. and as they took the last turning they both found themselves outside the long twisting alleyway of Iron Harbour. They both came outside of the city looking straight at the large rock bass hill. There was a singler small wooden door in front of them.

"We have arrived," said the Captain. They both walked side by side towards the door, the Captain leaning his hand out and grasping the worn old handle and pushing the door open reveliving a small dark stairway leading deeping underground and into the hill. There was a significant shift in temperature as Alucard stepped through the door, it was much colder in here then it was outside, understandable for where they were going.

Alucard walked down the cold stone stairs, going deeper into the hill basement. The natural light was getting dimmer as there were fewer windows this far down. The only source of light he had was the poorly lit candle light around the sides of the staircase.

After a few moments of walking I look at finally got to the bottom floor then he looked up and there was just a poorly little room and there wasn't the staircase the only source of light was that by candle allicat stop for a moment and looked around as surroundings he saw all tables covered in blood all the new you the the room smells vile like the stench of old corpses. A normal person would not be able to last long in this room. The stench of death would be too overwhelming for any normal person but this wasn't new for Alucard. For Alucard the smell was like embracing an old friend he knew all too well.

Alucard noticed in the right corner of the room, buddies piled by a small table, covered in a white cloth, The bodies were perfectly wrapped with labels around their necks to indicate the individual's identity, and cause of death.

On the opposite side of those bodies. There were more also covered up with name tags on them, but only with their identified deposits as a cause of death has not been determined yet.

Alucard took another quick look around the room and noticed there's a man in the far right corner barely visible just by candlelight. He was sitting at a small table scribbling some stuff on paper. Most likely the autopsy report. Alucard proceeded to walk over to the table. A few moments later the man noticed Alucard walking over to him and placed his pen on the table and put the papers away.

“Hello” said the man with cold ghostly tone, “You must be Alucard, I was told to be expecting you, it is nice to meet you” Alucard looked up at the man in front of him he was quite pale in nature which is to be expected if he did not get much sunlight Alucard measured man with his gaze. He was a small thin like person but he seemed to have a kind heart. Alucard noticed on the man's desk A picture of two people. The photo looked old, it was worn out quite a bit, but it had been looked after. It clearly meant a lot to the owner. perhaps family members, brothers or even a close friend perhaps.

“I am the town's head coroner. Sorry about the smell down here”, said the man. “I don't get many visitors. If you'd like, I can ask one of the guards to bring it some fresh flowers. It helps to block out the smell.”

“No that wouldn't be necessary,'' replied Alucard.'' I'm used to this type of smell” the pale Man looked a bit shocked, taking a good look at him.

“I guess that's why they call you a professional Monster Hunter, wherever you go death is sure to follow.”

“I can say the same about you doctor” the pale man smiled

“I have been told that you wish to review some of the autopsy reports from the last few years, I can have my assistant help you with the paperwork”. “Thank you,” replied Alucard.

“The body’s over there” Alucard pointed towards the wall littered with tightly wrapped body’s” were they also murder victims”. The pale man looked to see what Alucard was pointing at. “Oh yes, the majority of them are also the victims, unfortunately there's only me and my assistant to do the autopsy so there's a bit of a backlog. It is an unpleasant sight, but I must try and finish my work as efficiently as I can before releasing the bodies to their families. They all wish to bury their loved ones. I still hold out hope that I can find a clue within these bodies to help stop this madness.”

“If it's alright with you doctor, I would like to sit in on one of these autopsies, I might be able to find something that you missed”.

“Yes of course, all the help is needed. I wasn't planning on doing an autopsy today as I gave my assistant the day off, I would rather all of us be here. It's a good teaching moment for him to learn if he watches both of us do it.

“That will be fine,” replied Alucard. “By the way doctor”

“Yes?” replied the man in his ghostly tone “is it true that you did the autopsy on the young elven girl, the one that was found dead in her room?”

“Yes, the sweet young girl. It was such a pity she had a whole life ahead of her”.

“If you don't mind me asking how she died? what she also part of the murders”. The man stood there for a moment as he was gathering his thoughts. The expression on his face was quite complex, like he actually did not know the answer. I'm afraid to say this but even after my autopsy report I couldn't find the cause of death it was quite baffling. After all my years of being a corner I couldn't find a cause of death. It is the one regrettable moment I have in my life.

“If it's alright with you I would like to see her autopsy report as well. I want to see if I heard death is also linked to the murders.”

“Not at all, whatever you need, I am sure I can help you find it.” Replied the man “ just give me one moment to see if I can find the file.” The man walked over to his small desk, looking through the files that were left on the table. “I am sure I left them here” muttering to himself. “Sorry about this, I normally keep such tidy records but my assistant is a bit overwhelmed. He may have moved the file... oh wait I found it.” he said as he pulled a small paper folder containing a few sheets of paper all with his notes and findings.

"Thank you for finding the file,"

“It was no trouble” Said the man as he nodded understandingly and opened the folder, revealing a few neatly organised sheets of paper. "Here we go," he says, scanning the contents briefly.

Deceased: Young Elven Female Name: Lyra
Age: Unknown
Race: Elf.  
Gender: Female Examination Findings:

External Examination: Body appears to be that of a young elven female, consistent with reported information. No visible signs of trauma or injury on the surface of the body. Skin tone: Fair with a faint luminescent quality, typical of elvenkind.

Internal Examination: A midline incision was made from the sternum to the pubic bone, allowing access to the internal organs.

Cardiovascular System: Heart: The heart is slightly larger than that of a human, with a vibrant golden glow and no apparent abnormalities.

Blood vessels: No blockages or anomalies observed.

Respiratory System: Lungs: Both lungs are pale and healthy, devoid of any signs of disease or injury.

Gastrointestinal System: Stomach: The stomach contains partially digested plant matter consistent with elven dietary habits.

Intestines: No abnormalities or signs of disease noted.

Musculoskeletal System: Bones: Elven bones are dense and resilient, with no fractures or abnormalities detected.

Joints: All joints appear healthy with no signs of inflammation or damage. Nervous System:

Brain: The elven brain is remarkably developed and exhibits intricate patterns of silver filaments. No abnormalities detected.

Spinal cord: The spinal cord is intact with no signs of injury or compression.

Toxicology Analysis: Samples were collected from various organs for toxicological analysis. Results pending.

Cause of Death: External examination did not reveal any obvious cause of death. Further analysis, including toxicology reports, will be necessary to determine the cause of death conclusively. At its current state cause of death is unknown

Additional Observations: Scars: A delicate, crescent-shaped scar is present on the left forearm, indicating a past injury or ritualistic marking.

Tattoos: Elven runes, representing protection and nature, are intricately tattooed on the upper back and right ankle.

Anatomical Features: The deceased displays the classic elven traits, including pointed ears, almond-shaped eyes, and a slender frame.

Conclusion: Based on the preliminary examination, the cause of death of Lyra Silversong, the young elven female, remains undetermined. No apparent signs of external trauma or injury were observed. Further analysis, including toxicology reports, is necessary to establish the cause of death. The examination revealed no abnormalities in the vital organs or major systems. Additional investigations or consultation with experts may be required to gather more information and reach a conclusive determination.

Alucard took the file and all of its findings and went over them several times in his head, taking mental notes of everything within its contents. his eyes fixated on key points, As he absorbed the information. “Do you still have the body here?” asked Alucard as he raised his head from the file and looked at the man with a stern gaze.

“Of the Elven girl?” said the man with a confused look.

"Yes, of the Elven girl," as Alucard clarified, his gaze unwavering. I would like to examine the body myself, and check it with your findings. I want to see if there is anything you may have missed or overlooked.

The man's confusion deepened, but he nodded hesitantly. "Yes, we still have the body in our facility. I was told to give you unlimited access to everything you needed for your investigation, one moment if you would like to wait here I will retrieve her.

The man lowered his head on a quick bow and walked off to a small door leading deeper into the hillside, after a few moments he came back pulling along a wooden table on metal wheels, with a white cloth draped over the young Evlen girl's body. Only her head was visible, the rest covered.

They stopped at the large stone table in the centre of the room, and he placed her on top of it, pulling the wooden table back. Alucard walked over to the table and looked at the girl, lucky for him, elfs unlike humans there body’s don't start to rot for quite some time after death. She appeared peaceful, almost as if she were merely sleeping. Alucard carefully pulled back the cloth, revealing the girl's body completely exposed before him.

Alucard looked closely at the young elven girl, examining every part of her as he did; he kept looking back at the coroner's report checking his facts as to what he could see in front of them. It was true there were no visible marks on her, no scratches, no cuts, no bite marks, no defensive wounds whatsoever it quite was a mystery what killed her. Alucard could understand why the corner could not understand the cause of death, but he knew. It was rare but he has seen this type of killing before.

"This girl wasn't killed by a monster," Alucard proclaimed, raising his head to face the bewildered man. "What do you mean?" the man inquired, his expression reflecting confusion. "Did you discover something?"

"She was poisoned," Alucard revealed. The man, taken aback, scrutinised the body once again, desperately searching for any signs of poisoning but found none. His face marked with a perplexed expression, questioned Alucard's certainty. "Are you absolutely certain?" he inquired. “I have examined the body many times over, and I found no trace of such poison in any part of her body.”

Alucard's composed demeanour remained unwavering as he addressed the man's scepticism. "Yes, I am certain," he affirmed with conviction. However, a shadow of concern flickered across Alucard's face as he continued. "Doctor, don't blame yourself for not recognizing this. This method of killing is exceedingly rare. I haven't encountered this type of poison in a very long time."

Alucard's voice carried a tinge of worry, not solely due to the manner of the girl's death, but rather the unsettling implications it held. This particular poison had long been considered extinct, its secrets lost to time. The knowledge of its creation had faded into obscurity, making it highly improbable that anyone should possess the ability to concoct such a lethal substance.

“I can send samples to the alchemist for analysis. It may take some time to get the results, but once we know the type of poison, we can start to narrow down the suspect list. Different poisons have different effects and require different levels of magical expertise to brew and administer."

Alucard shook his head, his expression tinged with sombre knowledge. "No, that won't be necessary," he responded firmly. "This poison is known as endless night. Most likey this type of poison was administered without anyone realising it. In this case, I believe the poison was ingested through the victim's food or drink."

The man's eyes widened in realisation. "So, it was a slow-acting poison that took effect over time?"

Alucard nodded, his gaze fixed on the lifeless body before them. "Yes, precisely. Endless night takes its toll gradually, lulling the victim into an eternal sleep without leaving any apparent signs of foul play.”

The man gave Alucard a look of worry, “I am not familiar with that type of poison I must say.”

Alucard acknowledged the man's concern with a sympathetic glance. "Understandably so," he replied, his voice filled with understanding. "The knowledge of this particular poison, endless night, should no longer exist, it faded out of time long ago.

The man's expression grew increasingly worried as he posed a question. "What does all of this mean? How is this linked to all of the other killings in the town?"

Alucard paused, a sense of uncertainty crossing his features. "I don't know," he replied honestly.

“Doctor if you don't mind” asked Alucard with a polite tone “I would like to examine the other body’s as well. Including Lord Davos' son.”

The man considered Alucard's request, his expression thoughtful. "I can assist you with whatever you need, Alucard. I too would like to reexamine the bodies in case there is anything I may have overlooked or missed entirely. However, I cannot permit you to examine Davos' son without the consent of Lord Davos and his wife."

Alucard nodded in understanding. “I will go and bring out some of the latest victims, they are the most recent and maybe hold some clue to all of this.”

The man gathered a few of the other bodies awaiting further examination. As they began, the chilling silence enveloped them. Alucard meticulously examined each body, searching for any signs or similarities that could provide a link to the mysterious deaths plaguing the town. He scrutinised the absence of visible wounds, seeking hidden traces of the elusive poison or any other potential causes of death.

The man assisted Alucard, his eyes filled with a mix of determination and concern. They meticulously documented their findings, comparing each victim's physical state and any peculiarities they observed.

After several hours of painstaking work, Alucard concluded his examination of the bodies. Though he had only studied a few of the victims, it provided a solid starting point. He understood that the bodies alone could only reveal limited information, and he needed to delve deeper by gathering insights from those who knew the victims intimately.

Alucard made a mental note to begin conducting interviews and seeking information from the townspeople. He knew that understanding how the victims lived their lives, their connections, and any potential links between them would be crucial to unravelling the mystery.

The knowledge and experiences of those who had interacted with the victims could shed light on hidden motives and uncover vital clues. what also played on his mind was Farther Maxwell, if he is linked to the killing’s how does he play a part in all of this? Maybe he doesn’t and he has just turned everyone against him, everyone is looking for someone to blame. He is the perfect scapegoat for all of this to fall on. Lord davos had no love for the man, nour did his wife or daughter, maybe the son had offended him in some way and this was retribution. Alucard could not say for certain. One thing Alucard did know was his mind was hurting, he needed a break, he needed fresh air, he had been with the dead long enough.

Alucard's instincts told him that the truth he sought lay hidden beneath layers of deception and misdirection. Alucard hated people, he always found killing monsters so much easier to deal with, they always follow their nature, but humans are the greatest monster of all. They are far more intelligent.

“Is everything ok?” said the man

Alucard, taking a moment to compose himself, replied with a curt nod. "Yes, everything is fine. Just lost in thought, that's all. I think I have been down here too long, I need fresh air and a drink. Do you know any of the local places where I can get a cold one Doc?”

“Of course, you would want to make your way back to the town centre, you know it when you see it. There is a large memorial structure built within the town centre, it has all the names of the victims written within the stone.” The man looked back at the table where layed the last body they had just examined, it was a large dwarf mostly torn apart, one would hardly recognize it.

“It was built by this man here.” as he gestured to the table. “Him and his brother were the local blacksmiths in town, they made excellent work over the years, they offered to the Lord to construct it for the town so no one would ever be forgotten. His brother still owns the shop in town, if you go there you should be able to speak with him, maybe he can help you with gathering any more information you may need. There is also a local tavern right across the street from their shop. They really enjoyed their drinks.”

Alucard nodded in appreciation, genuinely grateful for the man's guidance. "Thank you for providing me with the information. Do you happen to know the name of the dwarf's brother?”

“Certainly, His name is Brok. he is a bit of a colourful person, a bit of a falmouth on him, I must say so try not to take any offence to him.”

“Thank you I'll make my way to the town centre now, hoping to find some respite from these dark thoughts." As he gathered his belongings from a small wooden chair, Alucard prepared to bid farewell to the man.

Before he could take his leave, a sense of politeness washed over him. "Oh, please forgive my oversight. I completely forgot to ask for your name, Doctor," Alucard admitted, offering a slight apologetic smile.

"No need to worry. My name is Alaric," he replied, his voice carrying a sense of quiet wisdom.

As Alucard reached the final turn of the staircase, his gaze fell upon the weathered old wooden door he had noticed upon his arrival. The years had etched their marks upon its surface, and thin rays of sunlight peeked through the cracks, Alucard gripped the old handle and swung the door open, and a blinding flood of sunlight greeted him.

Shielding his eyes from the brilliance, Alucard took a step forward, his senses enveloped by the warmth and freshness of the outside air. As his eyes adjusted to

the brilliance, Alucard surveyed his surroundings. He was outside the town, in front of him leading him back down the many long and back alleyways of the town.

He looked up at the sky and saw the sun was much lower than when he arrived, it was just after mid afternoon, hopefully Alucard could clear his head and also find the dwarf.

To continue with Part 5 of Luke's Iron Harbour Story please click here.