Thefts from outbuildings and garages increase in the locality

Thefts from sheds and outbuildings in the Bay of Colwyn area have increased since Christmas according to an update from North Wales Police today.

As a result the Community Safety Team are asking us all to make sure that any valuable property is securely locked away.

PCSO Chris Livesey said: "We have had a spate of thefts from outbuildings in the Rhos-on-Sea area over the lasy few days. Please can you ensure that you secure all outbuildings and lock up your bike or other high value, movable items."

In a recent Bayside interview, Chris stressed the importance of paying a little extra for a good padlock or a range of anti-theft devices that can be easily fitted in sheds and garages.

"People pay a lot of money for new bikes, sometimes in the thousands and then try to secure it with a cheap lock. Pay a bit extra for your piece of mind".

If you see anyone acting suspiciously around property in the area please call 101.