Get your jab to counter expected increase in Delta COVID

Gill Harris, Betsi Cadwaladr's Executive Director of Nursing and Midwifery, has given an update on the progress of the Covid vaccination programme in North Wales and warned that an influx of tourists will likely lead to an increase in new cases.

She said: "Despite the very warm weather, our vaccination clinics are continuing to welcome hundreds of people through their doors each day.

"Ninety one per cent of eligible adults in North Wales have now had a first dose, while almost seventy five per cent have been fully vaccinated with both doses.

"It has taken a huge team effort to get to this point, and we are extremely grateful for the dedication and hard work of our vaccination staff, primary care contractors, volunteers, and staff in partner organisations.

"This week marks the start of the summer holidays and with news that North Wales is the UK’s most popular destination for holidaymakers, we expect the number of visitors to the region to be far in excess of that seen in previous years.

"This is already placing significant additional pressure on our services and it is highly likely to lead to a marked increase in cases of the Delta variant.

"The best way to protect yourself, your loved ones, NHS services and local businesses is to have both doses of the vaccine and continue to follow the latest public health advice.

"This week the Joint Committee on Vaccination and Immunisation (JCVI) has advised that children at increased risk of becoming seriously unwell with COVID-19 are offered the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. 

"That includes children aged 12 to 15 with severe neurodisabilities, Down’s syndrome, immunosuppression and multiple or severe learning disabilities.

"The JCVI also recommends that children and young people aged 12 to 17 who live with an immunosuppressed person should be offered the vaccine.

"We are currently planning how we can deliver the vaccine to these younger people in the most efficient way. Further information on our plans will be included in next week’s vaccination update.

"Getting your first or second dose jab (after six weeks) at a convenient date, time and location is now easier than ever using our online booking service.

"If you cannot access the internet to book online, please phone our COVID-19 Vaccination Contact Centre on 03000 840004. The lines can be very busy, so please be patient.

"We also have a number of COVID-19 vaccination walk in clinics open across North Wales where you can walk in without making an appointment. Walk in sessions are subject to availability of the vaccination and the turn out of people on any given day.

"We are also holding mobile ‘pop up’ vaccination clinics targeting areas of high footfall. These will increase in frequency over the coming weeks, thanks to the acquisition of three mobile clinic vehicles."