Free recruitment support from Busnes@LlandrilloMenai

Busnes@LlandrilloMenai now offers employers a free online jobs page to help communicate opportunities to job seekers.

Posting a broad range of opportunities from part-time casual and seasonal to full-time, entry level permanent positions. The noticeboard is free, and employers can post as many jobs as they like. You can post apprenticeship opportunities, Kick Start placements and other funded programmes.

The noticeboard is targeted at students and job seekers within the community, and promoted on the Grŵp Llandrillo Menai website and associated social media accounts.

Competition is high amongst employers to find the right candidates. The tourism and hospitality sector is preparing to fully reopen and gear up for a staycation boom this summer. Busnes@LlandrilloMenai are keen to support employers with the recruitment challenge.

To advertise a vacancy, apprenticeship or funded placement simply call 08445 460 460 or email for further advice.

Follow this link to the jobs page to see how your job advert can be featured.