Befriend in Conwy to help tackle social isolation

Community and Voluntary Support Conwy are seeking to establish a befriending project which delivers on reducing social isolation and bringing people of all ages (over the age of 18 years) together.

CVSC's aim is to provide volunteering opportunities to individuals living in Conwy county to become trained befrienders to support individuals living within Conwy who feel socially isolated, or lonely.

Befriending is a relationship between two or more individuals which is initiated, supported and monitored by an agency that has defined one or more parties as likely to benefit.

Ideally the relationship is non-judgmental, mutual, purposeful and there is a commitment over time' (Joseph Rowntree Foundation)

The individuals who are referred to the project as requiring a befriender, will be supported to do a range of things including accessing activities in the community, going out for a cup of coffee and a chat or just having contact with someone who has similar interests to them.

It will be run in a person-centred way with the individual being the person who decides what they need. 

Each volunteer would benefit from:
- All Wales Basic Safeguarding training
- DBS check
- Support from a Project Manager
- Training on becoming a befriender and what the role entails
- Dementia Friend Information Session

If you are interested in helping CVSC develop the Ffrindiau Conwy Friends project idea further, please contact or call 01492 534091.