£1000 grants for Conwy voluntary projects run by young people

Youth-led projects benefiting volunteering in the Conwy area now have the chance to receive some financial support thanks to a grant fund which is now open.

The aim of the Youth Led Grants scheme is to support a range of small volunteering projects and activities, led and carried out by young people, with applications selected and recommended by a panel of young people aged 14-25.

Do you an idea which could really make a difference to the community or your organisation? Well now is the time to spring into action! Hurry, applications close on 11th June.

Grants of up to £1000 are available to support volunteering or set up a volunteering activity and these will support a number of small youth led projects across the County of Conwy.

They will enable young people to develop their own initiatives; take an active role in their communities and involve/recruit young people to take part.

To begin the process please get in touch with Aled Roberts at CVSC to discuss your idea and if it fits the bill, he will send you an application form to complete.

You can email Aled at the grants team grants@cvsc.org.uk or you can telephone 01492 534091.

Best of luck with your application everyone!