Across Wales, hundreds of thousands of people care unpaid for an ill, older or disabled family member, or friend.
The amount and type of support that carers provide varies considerably. It can range from a few hours a week, such as picking up prescriptions and preparing meals, to providing emotional or personal care, day and night, 365 days a year.
It was my pleasure to chat with Meryl Randall Jones from Carers Cymru on Thursday about the role of Carers Cymru and how they can help the many people who provide this support.
Did you know...
- an additional 196,000 people became unpaid carers in Wales during the first wave of the pandemic?
- 98,000 more workers are juggling work and unpaid care in Wales since the corona virus outbreak?
- 80% of carers are providing more care now than before the pandemic?
- 60% have had no break from caring since the start of the pandemic?
- 76% are exhausted and worn out by their caring role?
Listen to my short podcast with Meryl and lift the lid on the world of carers and Carers Wales.