Happy Faces in Rhos as Rotarian Ashok hands over cheque

May 05, 2021 - 994 views

Far from being coy about his age, Llandudno Rotarian Ashok Harshey was happy for the world to know that he became 75 years old in January. What Ashok didn't want however was any presents or birthday cards!

Instead he persuaded his many friends, both in the local Rotary and far beyond, to donate just a modest sum to his chosen charity “Happy Faces”.

The aim of Happy Faces is to raise funds in the area for the sole purpose of spending funds on sick, disabled and disadvantaged children who live in North Wales.

As soon as the COVID 19 situation permitted, Ashok was delighted to get down the shop in Rhos-on-Sea to hand over a cheque for £170 to the hardworking volunteers who bring so much joy to the lives of some less fortunate children in the area. 

For more details about the Happy Faces charity please visit them on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/HappyFacesCharity/