Outdoor attractions in Wales will close from Monday

Wales' First Minister has made a statement following news that outdoor attractions will be forced to close from Monday as rate of infection in many parts of Wales increase.

The situation in Wales is very serious; rates of coronavirus are very high and the NHS is under sustained pressure.

The advice from the Chief Medical Officer for Wales and from Public Health Wales is that we need to take urgent action now which will help us enter the festive period with as low an infection rate as possible. This is why we have decided to ask all secondary schools to move to online teaching for the last week of term.

As of Monday 14 December, we will also bring forward changes to the Health Protection (Coronavirus Restrictions) (No. 4) (Wales) Regulations 2020. This will require all outdoor attractions, including funfairs, to close. It will also make clear that trampoline parks and indoor skating parks must be closed.

The regulations will be formally reviewed next week.