Engaging young people in the Bay and across the county

Conwy Youth Services are working in partnership with North Wales Police to engage with young people across the county and in Colwyn Bay.

Over the past few months Conwy Youth Service Outreach workers have been a regular feature around parks and towns in the county of Conwy, building relationships and providing support to the young people.

They have even been knocking on doors checking that everyone is keeping themselves safe.

Rachel Simmonds explained: “As Conwy Youth open access provision couldn’t operate due to Covid regulations the team looked at how best to support young people in their communities.”

“It means Youth Workers are out in the areas engaging and supporting young people.”

The current outreach programme has been developed in consultation with North Wales Police, sharing information to positively support young people.

“We are not there to police but to support. For example concerns were raised by PCSOs in one area that a group of young people were going into abandoned buildings so we began speaking to young people in the area about the dangers of entering these buildings.”

“In difficult times the outreach workers are familiar faces, they’re people the young people can trust, make connections with and often discuss how their day has been.”

PCSO Gethin Chapman Explained: “From North Wales Police’s perspective, we have always had a good relationship with Conwy Youth Services. We have recently done walkabouts with them to highlight the areas which are subject to antisocial behaviour and Conwy Youth Services have targeted these areas and engaged with the young people.”

Sian Pierce, area Youth Worker for East Conwy, who is also a qualified mental health First Aider said: “It is stressful for everyone, but sometimes young people just want someone to offload to. It’s about understanding the bigger picture.”

“So many conversations come from just a simple chat in the park. If people are struggling we can put a referral through and provide a bridge until the appropriate help and support is available.”

PCSO Chapman added: “Now that restrictions are being eased following lockdown, we are liaising with Conwy Youth Services and in the early phases of a joint project to tackle ASB in the town centre of Colwyn Bay.”

On evening outreach the message from Youth Workers to young people is to maintain social distancing and to encourage them to think about the impact of their actions. This is also true of the social media messaging.

The team are also posting activities and advice on the Conwy Youth service social media pages www.fb.me/GIConwyYS

Twitter and Instagram @GIConwyYS